My Title
Software Developer / Back-End Developer / .Net Developer
My About
I am an experienced software developer specializing in C# and JavaScript/TypeScript. I build modern web applications using ASP.NET Core and Blazor, and also create backend solutions with Laravel and NodeJs. I am knowledgeable in microservice architecture (other architecture..), REST API development, and database management, with expertise in security protocols like IdentityServer4 and OAuth 2.0. I am a team player familiar with Agile methodologies and proficient in using version control systems like Git and GitHub.
I can develop solutions that meet modern application requirements using technologies such as NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.), ElasticSearch, and Redis. My projects include an example project using IdentityServer4, which demonstrates my competence in identity management and access control. I am eager to learn new technologies and contribute to open-source projects. I am also interested in films, books, and games activities on top of software.
My software skills
- Mostly: C#, .Net Core+5, Asp .NET MVC, Angular+12, Laravel+8, Blazor
- Least: NodeJs, NextJs, VueJs, Ruby, Jekyll
- Version Control Systems: Git, GitLab, Github Desktop, Jira, Azure Dev
- Databases: MSSQL, MongoDB, Postre, Oracle, MySql
- Services: Redis, Elastic, Docker, Azure, SignalR, RabbitMQ
- Tools: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, PhpStorm
- Other: Approaches such as Microservice, OOP, SOLID, CQRS, ORM Frameworks, DDD, EDD, Onion, Clean